GWC 500-43 What Happened to You? Book Study
Ended Sep 30, 2021
1 credit
Full course description
LOCATION Online DATES Sept. 1-Oct. 30th, 2021
INSTRUCTOR OF RECORD Tamara Waters-Wheeler, Ed.S, NCSP
1. Description and Purpose The purpose of this book study is to provide an overview of the Book “What Happened to You?” while reviewing the Neurosequential Model. This will be done by reading and discussing the book, videos, discussion posts, and written reflection. BOOK: “What Happened to You?” Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey, Flatiron Books, New York, 2021 ISBN: 9781250223180 WEBSITE:
2. Learning Objectives
After this book study, participants will:
1. Demonstrate a deeper understanding how trauma impacts children.
2. Have basic knowledge of how to develop positive and effective relationships with children who have experienced trauma.
3. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the neuro-sequential model.