
GWC 500-14 Learning about and Implementing Sound Walls in Your Classroom

Ended Jun 30, 2021
1 credit

Full course description

Event Sponsor: *

Solheim Elementary - Shelly Swanson

Event Contact Name: *

Shelly Swanson

Position or Title: *


Event Contact Phone: *

(701) 202-2746

Event Contact Email: *

Event Location: *

Solheim Elementary/Bismarck Public Schools

For credit review, indicate from the list below which University of Mary school the event most closely aligns with: *

Liffrig Family School of Education and Behavioral Science

Objective and Outcomes: *

Throughout this course, teachers will
• Understand the how and why of using sounds walls in their classrooms
• Learn how to use sound walls to transform reading instruction
• Implementing sound walls

Resources/Course Materials: *

During this course, teachers will be using the Tools 4 Reading Sound Wall kits. They will also be watching a variety of videos and podcasts about sound walls and strategies that support understanding how sound walls support reading instruction. The websites are listed on the syllabus.

Attendance: *

sheet and learning journal entries

Evaluation and Evidence of Learning and Application: *

The teachers will be using an outline to support their learning during the Sound Wall video with Dr. Mary Dahlgren. They will also use a graphic organizer for each video to record their new learning and document material that confirms their thinking or practice. The organizer will also have a section for them to list their wondering or questions. The last column of the organizer will be how the new learning will impact their classroom. We will be using the information on the outline and graphic organizer during our in-person times for discussion. Each teacher will be handing in their outline and graphic organizer as evidence of their learning.