
GWC 500-08 ND Smart Lab Facilitator Training

Ended Sep 30, 2021
2 credits

Full course description

Event Sponsor: *

North Dakota Center for Distance Education

Event Contact Name: *

Tonya Greywind

Position or Title: *

Assistant State Director 

Event Contact Phone: *

(701) 639-2266

Event Contact Email: *

Event Location: *

Online and Local Cooperating School

Event Start Date: *

June 1, 2021

Event End Date: *

September 30, 2021

Objective and Outcomes: *

1. Develop consistent and highly prepared SmartLab facilitators that can facilitate learning in a student-centered learning environment.
2. Demonstrate how teaching and learning is different in a hands-on, project based learning environment that utilizes blended instruction.
3. Introduce teachers to blended learning pedagogy, available resources, software, and hardware in a SmartLab.
4. Provide teachers with the ability to;
i. Replicate an environment that is student centered, blended, and project based.
ii. Support and engage students in projects.
iii. Utilize performance based assessments for measuring student achievement.

Resources/Course Materials: *

- No Book
- All resources will be supplementary provided in Canvas as either video resources or PDF journal articles.
Online Content
Module 1
o What is a SmartLab?
o Why is learning different in a SmartLab?
§ Student Centered vs. Teacher Centered
§ Collaboration
§ Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
§ Evidence Based Assessments
o Understanding Project Based Learning
§ Methodology
§ Assessment Philosophy
o Project Based Learning Assignment
Module 2
o Role of the Facilitator
§ Hands off
§ Asking the right questions
§ Designing lessons that allow students to take ownership
§ Managing your environment
o Most important personal characteristics
o Blog Assignment
§ Skills you possess and skills to obtain
Module 3
o Assessing Students in a ND SmartLab
§ Brain Based Research
• How does the human brain learn?
§ 12 Brain Based learning principles assignment.
§ Using SmartLab Assessment Templates.
• Self-Reflection Template
• Presentation Template
• Student Journal Template.
Module 4
o Getting to know the SmartLab.
§ How students learn with learning launchers.
§ Experiencing live learning launchers.
• Understanding the different instructional sections.
o What you need to know
o Do it
o Extend yourself
§ Quiz reviewing learned concepts.

Live Face to Face Content (will occur onsite of local school district)

Day One:
- Introductions
- Guide through first Learning Launcher
o Engineering Design Process
o Paper Tower Challenge
- Facilitators complete Lift off Challenge SmartLab Orientation (Learning Launcher)
o With partner, then complete Lift off Challenge: Zometools: Spinning Tops
§ SMART Objective
§ Document work
§ Create ppt presentation of finished product
- Group Discussion
o Lead discussion on the following topics
§ Why is it important for students to define an objective before beginning a learning launcher?
§ Why is it important for students to document their work and what are the different ways it can be done?
§ How are performance based assessments different than traditional classroom assessment and what are some different ways to do this as a facilitator?
- SmartLab Tour
o Hardware
§ Computers, cameras, 3D printer, other…
o Kits
o Score
- Facilitators must complete 1 learning launcher of their choosing.
o Hands on way of learning about how students learn in a SmartLab.
- Group Instructional Session
o What is the Score?
§ Short Description.
§ Brainstorm how to use.
o Saving with Office 365 or Google Drive
§ Hands on activity
§ Saving and sharing documents in the cloud.
- Facilitators must complete 1 learning launcher of their choosing.
o Hands on way of learning about how students learn in a SmartLab.
- Group Reflection
o Facilitators reflect with the NDCDE instructor.
§ What assessment techniques were used in the lab?
§ How comfortable were they with technology?
§ What needs to be improved for tomorrow?
§ What activity will be done with students tomorrow?
Day Two:
- Review of learning from day one.
o Frustrations and success stories
o Challenges
o Day two areas of focus
- Demonstration of learned skills.
o, Log into launchpad.
o, Create and share a ppt with their group picture on it.
o SmartLab scavenger hunt.
- Instructional Session
o Deep Freeze
§ Open console
§ Freeze/Thaw machines
- Facilitators practice working with a group of live K-12 students or adults. (2 hours)
o Facilitators work with students to complete multiple learning launchers.
o Technology skills
o Troubleshooting skills
o Critical thinking skills
o Collaboration issues
- Corrective Actions and Reflection
o Review of learning that happened today.
o Skills that need to be improved.
o Trainer completes final check off demonstrating skills gained.
- Facilitators must complete one additional learning launcher.
o When finished, submit a portfolio of completed work.
- Instructional Session: NDCDE and CLS Support
o Who to contact for support.
§ Contact email and phone
§ NDCDE ticket support link
- Final Reflection

Attendance: *

Online attendance will be documented by completed activities in Canvas. Face to face instructional attendance will be documented with a sign-in sheet.

Evaluation and Evidence of Learning and Application: *

- Discussion Thread (9% of grade)
o Discussion threads in the online portion of the course are worth 20 points. For successful completion, students must post a detailed response to the prompt that shows thoughtful analysis of the issue. Students must also respond to at least one other student's post.
- Blogs (9% of grade)
o Blog responses in the online portion of the course are worth 20 points. Blog responses must be 2-3 paragraphs in length and show a detailed analysis of the issue presented. Students must also respond to at least one other student’s blog post to get credit.
- Project-Based Learning Assignment (9% of grade)
o For this assignment, students must upload a photo that shows the successful completion of a project-based learning activity. Students must then detail the knowledge needed to complete this project-based activity and how they gained the knowledge. The written portion of the assignment should be included in the comment field of dropbox. This is a 20 point assignment.
- Brain-Based Learning Assignment (9% of grade)
o After reading through the PDF attachment in the lesson, students must create a word document that addresses two of the twelve principles that are new to them. How does knowledge about these two specific principles that the student hasn’t really thought about before impact how an individual would facilitate learning in a SmartLab? Add any additional analysis about the application of these two specific principles while facilitating in an environment like a SmartLab.
o When completing word documents, please upload the file by clicking on "Show Dropbox" in the bottom right-hand portion of the screen in the Learning Management System (LMS). Then choose the file from your computer for upload. This is a 20 point assignment.
- Assessment Activity (13% of grade)
o Students must review the three attached assessment templates in the LMS titled “Self-Reflection”, “Presentation Template”, and “Journal Template”. Then for completion of this assignment, students will choose one of the templates and redesign it to meet their own specifications. What would you add to the template, what might you remove from the template? Once students have done this for one of the power points, upload the assignment to dropbox. In the comment field, students will list what they’ve added, what they’ve removed, and explain why they made those decisions. This is a 30 point assignment.
- Experiencing a Learning Launcher (5% of grade)
o Students must review 3 different learning launchers found in the LMS. After carefully reading through the launchers focusing on the different “what you should know” section, “do it” sections, and “extend yourself” section, students must complete a short answer and essay quiz demonstrating knowledge about how Learning Launchers are written and how students learn by using them. This is a 10 point assignment.
- SmartLab Facilitator Competency Checklist (46% of grade)
o To receive full credit for the live face to face training sessions, the NDCDE instructor must sign off on all the required competencies that have been observed. These observations will occur as the facilitator works through Learning Launchers on their own and as they work in a live classroom with students. The competency checklist is attached. This competency checklist makes up 100 points of the course grade.