
GWC 500-65 Grimsrud CHAMPs Book Study

Ended Apr 3, 2020
1 credit

Full course description

Event Sponsor: *

Grimsrud Elementary School

Event Contact Name: *

Londa Holen

Position or Title: *

Building Instructional Coach

Event Contact Phone: *

(701) 323-4150

Event Contact Email: *

Event Location: *

Grimsrud Elementary School

Event Start Date: *

Monday, February 10, 2020

Event End Date: *

Friday, April 3, 2020

Objective and Outcomes: *

*Class participants will gain a general understanding of the CHAMPs philosophy in order to apply core elements of a STOIC (Structure, Teach, Observe, Interact, and Correct) format within their classroom environment.
*Class participants will learn new strategies to incorporate in their own classroom in order to improve overall behavior.
*Class participants will contribute to the slide presentation. The presentation will be made available to other schools in the district who use CHAMPs/STOIC philosophy within their schools.
*Class participants will contribute to a Grimsrud CHAMPs/STOIC brochure which will be utilized to onboard new staff members to our school.

Resources/Course Materials: *

CHAMPS by Randy Sprick; Coaching Classroom Management by Randy Sprick, Jim Knight, Wendy Reinke, Tricia McKale Skyles, Lynn Barnes; Safe and Civil Schools online resources
Steps to Outcome:
1. Reading and self–reflection of content
2. Group discussion in sessions and via Google Doc through focus questions
3. Choosing at least 2 CHAMPS points to incorporate within classroom practice
4. Implementation of chosen practices within classroom
5. Contribute to school-wide slide presentation & CHAMPs Brochure
6. Continuous Improvement through self-reflection

Attendance: *

Attendance will tracked through sign-in. Participants will sign in each session and instructor will document online.

Evaluation and Evidence of Learning and Application: *

Participants will record reflections within Google - Doc folder.
Participants contributions to group slide presentation and school-wide brochure will be tracked. Participants will capture evidence of classroom implementation through pictures, written reflections, videos, and peer observations.