
GWC 500-58 CHS Learning Walks 2018-2019

Ended May 7, 2019
1 credit

Full course description

Event Sponsor: *BPS/Century High School
Event Contact Name: *Mary Palmer
Position or Title: *Instructional Coach
Event Contact Phone: *(701) 323-4900
Event Contact Email: *
Event Location: *Century High School
Event Start Date: *Thursday, September 20, 2018
Event End Date: *Tuesday, May 7, 2019
For credit review, indicate from the list below which University of Mary school the event most closely aligns with: *Liffrig Family School of Education and Behavioral Science
Objective and Outcomes: *

PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES, according to Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching 
• Participating in a professional community (4d) – relationships with colleagues, involvement in a culture of professional inquiry
• Growing and developing professionally (4e) – enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill
• Showing professionalism (4f) – integrity and ethical conduct
Participants will
• become better acquainted with various classroom methods of instruction
• define an area of their own weakness and reflect on ways to improve
• determine levels of student engagement and learning due to classroom environment
• practice new instructional methods within classroom and reflect on effectiveness
• develop a strong and trusting sense of what a learning community ought to be

Resources/Course Materials: *Marzano’s “Making the Most of Instructional Rounds,” Fisher and Frey’s “Using Teacher Learning Walks to Improve Instruction,” and City’s “Learning from Instructional Rounds”
From the Teaching Channel: “The Learning Walk” and “Observing for Learning”
Attendance: *Instructional coach will keep running attendance using an attendance chart
Evaluation and Evidence of Learning and Application: *Participants are expected to keep a journal or notebook with notes and reflections to contribute to collective dialogue, which will shape our meetings and future peer observations. At the end of semester one, participants will meet together to share reflection and possible next steps for semester 2. At the end celebration in May, we will meet again to reflect on what we learned about our school, our students, and our own practice.
Submission of Completion and Final Grades: *Friday, May 17, 2019