
GWC 500-45 180 Days Collaborative Inquiry

Ended May 15, 2020
2 credits

Full course description

Event Sponsor: 


Event Contact Name: 

Melissa Cournia

Position or Title: 

Instructional Coach

Event Contact Phone: 

(701) 866-9591

Event Contact Email:

Event Location: 


Event Start Date: 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Event End Date: 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Objective and Outcomes: 

To receive a passing grade, participant must:
Reflect on the previous school year to determine strengths, successes, gaps, areas of improvement, and questions.
Participate in collaborative inquiry process:
o Inquiry question
o Theory of action
o Data collection plan
o Learn and Implement
o Analyze data to determine findings, conclusions, and recommendations
Share your learning
o With other necessary audiences
o With Penny Kittle to guide spring coaching
o As recommendations for BPS’s k12 ELA Alignment Team

Resources/Course Materials: 

180 Days and accompanying videos
Articles/books/blogs to read deeper into collaborative inquiry focus


session summary

Evaluation and Evidence of Learning and Application: 

District Requirements for graduate credit:
- Includes a reflective component (Detailed Metacognition). Individuals identify a gap in practice, plan to learn and grow, and reflect on results.
o Teachers will engage in reflection during various phases of the collaborative inquiry process. When:
§ Determining student learning needs, a shared vision, a meaningful focus, a purpose a statement, and an inquiry question
§ Analyzing data
§ Revising theory of action
§ Determining findings, conclusions, and recommendations
- Is shared beyond the group (Public Audience)
o Findings, conclusions, and recommendations will be shared with:
§ Other necessary audiences
• discussion with PLC, department, colleagues
• share with administration
• share with an instructional coach
• inform parents
• advocacy
§ BPS k12 ELA Alignment Team
§ Penny Kittle