
GWC 500-33 Portfolios, Feedback, and Reflection, in the World Language Classroom

Ended May 15, 2020
1 credit

Full course description

Event Sponsor: 

Century High School

Event Contact Name: 

Mary Palmer

Position or Title: 

Instructional Coach

Event Contact Phone: 

(701) 323-6522

Event Contact Email:

Event Location: 

Century High School

Event Start Date: 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Event End Date: 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Objective and Outcomes: 

• Participants will collaborate with department peers on the use of the student portfolios – what is working well, and what changes need to be made
• Participants will research role of feedback and reflection
• Participants will implement strategies with students and come back together as a group and share progress and growth.

Resources/Course Materials: 

• The Power of Electronic Speaking Portfolios in the Language Classroom
• Speaking Portfolios in the World Languages Classroom
• World Languages Portfolio Model: A New Path to Measuring Growth
• Using Portfolios to Assess Student Work more Effectively l
• Integrating Technology in the Foreign Language Classroom
• Student Reflection in Portfolio Assessment: Making Language Learning More Visible
• The Art of Reflection
• Learning Through Reflection
• World Language Assessment: Using Feedback in Assessment
• 5 Research-Based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback
• Seven Keys to Effective Feedback
• Effective Feedback for Deeper Learning
• Descriptive Feedback and Some Strategies
• Descriptive Feedback Video Library (video/viewing guide) Video Library


paper/pen roster

Evaluation and Evidence of Learning and Application: 

1. Reflections on New Learning (Describe the information sharing or collaboration options your participants will engage in as evidence of reflection upon the session content.)

Weekly meetings as a PLC: World Language teachers will meet regularly to reflect and share what they have implemented in their classrooms with respect to the portfolios, feedback, and reflection – what is working well? What are some challenges?

2. Application of New Learning: (Describe what participants will be asked to do to show evidence of application of the session content to their work.)

Evidence of feedback to students from teachers can be shared by looking at student work. One key part of the learning that will take place will be the growth of the students – how did the role of feedback provided by the teachers move the student learning forward? What evidence do we see on this? Have we helped our students to also become reflective in their learning by really looking at the feedback we provide?
After we have identified effective practices of feedback and reflection, we will share our findings with our staff, encouraging them to consider the role of feedback and reflection and encouraging them to be purposeful in their practices.