
GWC 500-40 Foundations of Ethics for Catholic Educators

Ended May 13, 2021
1 credit

Full course description

Event Sponsor: *

Bishop Ryan Catholic School

Event Contact Name: *

Fr Jadyn Nelson

Position or Title: *


Event Contact Phone: *

(701) 818-2670

Event Contact Email: *

Event Location: *

Bishop Ryan Catholic School

Event Start Date: *

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Event End Date: *

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Objective and Outcomes: *

Objective 1: Catholic school educators will come to understand the ethical principles and foundations that influence the educational milieu of Catholic schools.

Objective 2: Catholic school educators will come to understand how to approach and understand gender identity issues from the Catholic perspective.

1. Catholic school educators will be able to explain what is meant by the human soul and how it relates to ethical analysis.

2. Catholic school educators will be able to articulate the sources of moral teaching and moral analysis of human action.

3. Catholic school educators will be able to relate human action to human perfection/happiness as an end.

4. Catholic school educators will understand the various factors that affect moral culpability and the voluntary character of actions.

5. Catholic school educators will understand the connection between freedom, truth, and good or evil actions.

6. Catholic school educators will understand the role emotions play in moral actions.

7. Catholic school educators will understand the role the law plays in determining moral goodness or evil of actions.

8. Catholic school educators will understand the nature and role of conscience in moral actions.

9. Catholic school educators will study the role of the cardinal and theological virtues as means to living a good life.

10. Catholic school educators will understand the nature, kinds, and consequences of human sin as failure of human action.

11. Catholic school educators will understand the essential role of grace in the moral life.

12. Catholic school educators will study the anthropological presuppositions surrounding sex and gender.

13. Catholic school educators will study the connection between biological givens of human nature and sexual identity.

14. Catholic school educators will evaluate various approaches to educating students who do not self-identify with their biological sex or self-identify as a member of the LGBTQ community.

Resources/Course Materials: *

Mullady, Brian, O.P. (2011). Both servant and free: a primer on fundamental moral theology. New Hope, KY: New Hope Publications.

Smith, Janet E. and Check, Paul (ed.s) Living the truth in love: pastoral approaches to same-sex attraction. San Francisco: Ignatius Press.

Attendance: *

Manual Roll Call

Evaluation and Evidence of Learning and Application: *

Participation in group discussions on the presentations and reading will be used to do informal assessments on engagement and understanding of the material.

The final project will be for the participant to mark-up the Bishop Ryan Catholic School Student or Faculty Handbook with edits and recommendations for changes to align the handbooks more closely with Catholic ethics, providing citations and rationale for each proposed change.