
GWC 500-74 Discussion in the Classroom

Ended Jul 11, 2021
1 credit

Full course description

Event Sponsor: *

Erik Kolb

Event Contact Name: *

Erik Kolb

Position or Title: *


Event Contact Phone: *

(701) 720-6745

Event Contact Email: *

Event Location: *

Google Classroom

Event Start Date: *

Monday, May 3, 2021

Event End Date: *

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Objective and Outcomes: *

1. Learners will analyze and reflect on published scholarship related to the topic of effective classroom discussions.
2. Learners will identify individual professional goals that align with utilizing discussion as an instructional strategy.
3. Learners will read and respond to selected academic publications.
4. Learners will reflect on their teaching practice and apply their understandings to their own pedagogy.

Resources/Course Materials: *

1. Reliable access to Google Classroom
2. Audio/video capability for course use
3. Google Classroom Code: ytekcnt

Attendance: *

Attendance will be verified via assignment submission and a final written summary

Evaluation and Evidence of Learning and Application: *

Participants will submit written assignments for all course readings as evidence of their learning. Participants will submit a final written reflection and application summary at the close of the course. Participants will reflect on how they will use their learning to influence their teaching practice.
A rubric will be used to score all written responses.