
GWC 500-83 Crucial Conversations Book Study

Ended Apr 12, 2021
1 credit

Full course description

Event Sponsor: *

St. Mary's Grade School

Event Contact Name: *

Valerie Kuntz

Position or Title: *


Event Contact Phone: *

(701) 223-0225

Event Contact Email: *

Event Location: *

St. Mary's Grade School

Event Start Date: *

Monday, February 1, 2021

Event End Date: *

Monday, April 12, 2021

Objective and Outcomes: *

•Participants will be able to identify a crucial conversation.
•Participants will be able to navigate a crucial conversation.

Learning Objectives:
•Participants will learn to resolve disagreements by accurately addressing concerns by talking respectfully, candidly, and skillfully with someone in a safe way.
•Participants will learn to build acceptance rather than resistance through giving and receiving feedback in a way that enhances relationships and improves results.
•Participants will learn to speak persuasively while effectively talking about emotional and controversial topics that have high stakes.
•Participants will learn to describe the importance of exploring other’s perspectives and paths and, with that information, develop a personal strategy to be used in crucial conversations with others in order to increase productivity.

Proposed Outcomes:
Participants will be able to learn and practice with their peers how to identify a crucial conversation. They will learn how to navigate these conversations by recognizing when safety is at risk and then making it safe to share. Participants will learn about speaking honestly without offending and then turning these conversations into actions.

Within the educational profession, conversations take place constantly, whether it be with peers or parents. Having the skills to recognize and work through a crucial conversation will benefit any staff member.

Resources/Course Materials: *

•Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. These will be paperback editions.
• Reflection Book
• Website

Attendance: *

Sign in Sheet

Evaluation and Evidence of Learning and Application: *

Participants will show evidence of their learning through discussions, application practice, and reflections. These reflections and discussions will be held on a common forum such as a collaborative Google document and in person. Participants will use strategies learned in conversations with parents, students, and peers.